Temper designations following the rule UNE EN 515:1993 for extruded materials are the following ones:
-F: As Fabricated. It is applied to extrusion products where any particular control is applied over manufacturing conditions. There are not specifications on the mechanical property limits. -W: Solution Heat-Treated. This designation describes an unstable state. It is applied to alloys that strength spontaneously at room temperature after the extrusion. It is only used when we want to limit the natural aging time. -T: Solution Heat-Treated. It is applied to extruded products that reach a stable state. The T goes before one or some figures that mention treatments' sequences:
-T4: Solution Heat-Treated and Naturally Aged to a Substantially Stable Condition. -T5: Cooled from an Elevated-Temperature Shaping Process and Artificially Aged. -T6: Solution Heat-Treated and Artificially Aged. Most exigent temper conditions are required to achieve bigger mechanical characteristics. -T66: Solution Heat-Treated and Artificially Aged. Most exigent temper conditions are required to achieve bigger mechanical characteristics than in T6 state (alloys from the series 6000).
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